The Magic Knight
by Victor Herbert

April 1, 2, 8 and 9
Wall Street Theater
Stage Director: Marian Shulman
Music Director: James Cooper

Performed with HMS Pinafore


Elsa…………Miran Robarts
Lohengrin….Alan Briones
King…………Erik Contzius
Ortrud………Nicole McQuade
Frederic……Rob Strom
Herald……..John Hoover


Rosa Parrotta, Jennifer Wallace,  Melissa Anderson, Rob Strom, Bill Abbott, Guy Stretton, Frank Sisson, Wendy Falconer, Neil Flores, Suzanne Rossini

“The Magic Knight” is a light-hearted and silly spoof of grand opera and in particular of Lohengrin.

Elsa and her brother Godfrey have been left orphans under the guardianship of their uncle and aunt Frederick and Ortrud, who conspire to defraud them of their estates.

Godfrey has disappeared, and Elsa is accused before the King of made away with little Godfrey, and is about to be condemned when, as a last resource, she demands to have the Herald ask for some knight errant to appear and champion her cause against her uncle.

Lohengrin appears, sailing down the river on  boat drawn by a swan, and in answer to Elsa’s appeal fighs and defeats Frederick, whereupon Ortrud confesses that she used her magic arts to change Godrey into a swan, and Lohengrin, being something of a magician himself, changes him back again and returns to Fairyland.

If the audience will listen intently, it is possible that the shade of RIchard Wagner may  be heard to turn over.