Amahl and the Night Visitors
January 5-6, 2019
United Methodist Church of Westport-Weston
A joint project of
The American Chamber Orchestra
Troupers Light Opera
Music for Children
Christopher Hisey, Music Director
Kevin Miller, Stage DIrector
Choreography: Maryanne Hall and Heather Hisey
Mother- Brett Kroeger
Amahl- Sylvan Friedman
King Kaspar — Bill Hall
King Melchior–Erik Contzius
King Balthazar — Chris Hetherington
The Page — John Matilaine
Ruth-Anne Ring, Guy Stretton, Jeffrey Rossman, Maribeth Johnson, Frank Sisson, Marian Shulman, Jim Cooper, Jennifer Wallace, Wendy Falconer, Tammy Strom, Rosa Parrotta, Mark Callahan, Sarah Callands, Pia Romano, Keiko Hayashida, May Hayashida.
Dancers: Riley Dize, Asha
Douglass, Piper Grove, Grace Hisey, Christina
Kunytska, Avery Toeplitz, Jenna Zerrusen
Technical Director/Set Designer- John Hoover
Props- Brett Kroeger and Rachel Bassick

Dolly Curtis
I thought it was well staged and delightful. I loved the dancing by the little girls with the scarves.i thought the two leads had lovely voices. it was a tight show…50 minutes. sweet …well performed. it told the story and was complete. Bravo to a job well done. The set design.. the costumes..and props were all enjoyable.

Lester Smith
The entire cast did an exceptional job all around. The voices and the orchestra were extraordinary in every way possible — especially the leading young lady and her son. They express themselves as an actress and actor to tell the story in such a delightful way. Thus the acting was superb.
The message from the performance resonated well with all people of faith and goodwill. The Church got filled with an abundance of tear-jerking joy that triggered emotions from the hearts of people to rejoice and be thankful for each day we live in love, peace, and happiness with kindness and grace.