The Gondoliers
or, The King of Barataria
April 25 and 26
Darien Junior High School
Stage Director: Robert Wilkinson
Music Director: Joel Fairfax
Choreographer: Jeanne Fuller
Duke of Plaza-Toro……Bernie Nemoitin
Luiz………………………… Frank Chapman
Don Alhambra …………. Wendell Stickney
Marco ……………………… . Ronald Heinbaugh
Guiseppe …………………. Fred Scharmer
Antonio………………………John Lang
Francesco…………………..John Holland
Giorgio……………………….Edward Gilden
Annibale…………………….Emmanuael Valentine
Duchess…………………… Ellen Fairfax
Casilda ……………………. Betty Keirstead
Gianetta…………………… Dorothy Odle
Tessa ………………………. Eleanor Lagner
Fiametta……………………Carol Princiotti
Vittoria………………………Norma Porter
Giulia………………………..Louise Risque
Inez ………………………… Ida Scharmer
Chorus of Gondoliers
Arthur Bower, John Haugh, Noel Kaiser, Hamlin Leonard. Robert Murdock, Louis Murphy, Arthur Pierson, Robert Redniss, Jamess Stamboni.
Chorus of Contadine
Carolyn Bardin, Lydia Beaumont, Sue Braisted, Donna Brooks, Nancy davis, Virgina Fishell, Jean harper, Joan Hopps, Betty Leonard, Margaret Lind, Suzanne Mangini, Pearl Marr, Katerine Taft, Penny Thompson, Marjorie Waters, Etherl Wienola, Jane White.

The Village Gazette
“Gondoliers given a rousing revival by Troupers, Gilbert and Sullican specialists in the area since 1946. Everyone, on both sides of the stage appeared to be having the time of si life. The cast was as alert as a small boy on Christmas Eve.