Pirates of Penzance- 1959

or The Slave of Duty

April 10 and 11
Darien Junior High School

Director and Conductor:
Joel Fairfax
Choreographer: Jeanne Fuller


Major-General Stanley ….Bernie Nemoitin
Pirate King………………….. Fred Scharmer
Frederick…………………….. Frank Chapman
Sergeant of Police ………. Ed Gilden
Ruth …………………………….Eleanor Lagner  

Mabel …………………………. Ann Collins

Samuel ……………………….. Wendell Stickney

Edith ……………………………Marjory Waters

Kate …………….. …………… Carol Princiotti
Isabel…………………………….Jane White


Graham Billard, Edith Dodds, Nancy Hageman, Jeanne Harper, Mary Ann Hoberman, Deirdre Lamb, Lisbeth Leonard, Margaret Lind, Margie Lind, Alice Mertz, Louise Risque, Beryl Rountree, Francine Stevens, Elizabeth Stickey, Katherine Taft.

Arthur Hall, Frank Hensel, Jack Holland, John Lang, Hamlin Leonard, Duff Masterson, James Stamboni, Dudley Taft, Emmanuel Valentine, Donald Whedon.

Backstage:  Frederick Scharmer, Betty Day, Ida Scharmer

Stamford Advocate

Troupers established themselves…as the best Gilbert and Sullivan Company this area has seen to date.

The Darien News

The pleasantest surprise of the evening came in a pair of romantic leads capable of looking, acting and singing the parts.