The Pirates of Penzance
Or, The Slave of Duty
April 23, 24, 30, May 1
Darien Senior High School
Stage Director: Jeanne Fuller
Music Director: Eugene Sabo
Major-General Stanley ……Fred Scharmer
Pirate King ……………………. Walt Hallenborg
Frederick ……………………….. Phil Rash
Sergeant of Police ………….. Marvin Axelrod
Ruth …………………………….. Diane Armistead
Mabel.. …………………………. Becky Axelrod
Samuel …………………………. Ray Arnold
Edith ……………………………. Carol Rigby
Kate……………………………… Pat Howell
Marilyn Angevine, Caroline Balsam, Penny Bott, Ruth Burger, Barbara Burger, Judy Day, Joan Deeks, Diane Deeks, Diana Gladden, Pat Howell, Barbara Hower, Emily Kreis, Kuni Kumekawa, Lisbeth Leonard, Melba Linne, Lesley Loosemore, Marjorie McIntosh, Alice Mertz, Lauri Mullins, Sylvia Oostendorp, Daryl Platt, Margie Tracy, Frances Udall, Jane Weber.
Johan Anderson, Fontaine Armistead, Ray Burger, Dave Clapp, Roy Deeks, Prescott Fuller, Bruce Gerke, Joseph Gosling, Robert Hill, David Lutley, Scott McWilliams, John Platenyk, Bill Platt, Wayne Raulerson, Lester Steffens, Steve Tower, Ward Tracy, Bill Udall, Tom Wells
Backstage: Frederick Scharmer, Ida Scharmer, Ed Bodka.
1971 was the first time Troupers experimented with an oversize program: 8″ x 12″, opening to 16″ x 12″. While it was quite elegant looking, even the reviewer complained it was difficult to handle, and the experiment was abandoned in future years. Programs still did not contain advertising but this was to come soon.
The Village Gazette
“…with Gene Sabo now wielding the baton, they are presenting a sparkling, well-sung, well-acted production of THe Pirates with no nonsense about it –marked in most instances by impeccable diction, good voices, and a few extraordinarily fine ones, colorful costumes a minimum of scenery and well-planned lighting.”