Or, The Witch’s Curse
April 21, 22, 28, 29
Rippowam Center
Stage Director: Lucinda WInslow
Music Director: Jackie Belmonte
Zora………………………………Edie Green
Ruth………………………………Suzanne Scott
Dame Hannah……………….Linda Palmer
Rose Maybud………………..Susan Marnell
Mad Margaret……………….Emilie Roberts
Robin Oakapple……………..Bradley Williams
Old Adam………………………Frank Sisson
Richard Dauntless………….Tim Throckmorton
Sir Despard……………………William Baker
Sir Roderick…………………….David Schancupp
Ancestors, Ghosts, Bucks and Blades
Bob Hayoz, Paul Vidulich, Lenny Augenlicht, Dexter Anderson, John Hoover, Don Spitzer, Gary Lee-Chee, Phillip Oppenheim, Herve Seznec, Bernie Warmflash
Professional Bridesmaids
Maria Musor, Gretchen Mezoff, Cathleen Sklar, Jacki Zack
Marie Caban, Lin Clayton, Gail Gottlieb, Silloo Madan, Judy Rowan, Joan Stietzel, Dianne Zaremba, Anita Valenti, Christine Zaremba
Backstage: Steve Levinson, Judy Rowan, Bill Simons, Fred Scharmer

The Greenwich Time
The Troupers Light Opera Company, Stamford’s resident keepers of the flames of Gilbert and Sullican, gave a spirited [erfprmance of ‘Ruddigore’ at the Rippowam Center over the weekend.

The New Canaan Advertiser
“…it sure is fun, especially when Gilbert’s lively lyrics add so much pizazz to Sullivan’s clever music. Creative sets and lavish costumes enhance the production further.