The Mikado 1946
The Town of Titipu
November 22 and 23
Darien Junior High School
Stage Director:
Carlisle Bennet
Peter Viggiano and his orchestra
Elmar Burroughs
Troupers’ premiere performances!
The Mikado ………….. Robert Hastings
Yum-Yum……………… Dorothy Odle
Ko-Ko ………………….. Fred Scharmer
Nanki-Poo …………….. Jack Raines
Pooh-Bah ……………… Anthony Wilan
Katisha…………………. Lillian Lehmacher
Pish-Tush ……………… Harold Nelson
Pitti-Sing………………. Ida Scharrner
Peep-Bo ……………….. Virginia Fishell
Mikado’s Umbrella Bearer…Ralph Osborne, Jr
Darien: Betty Borgman, Donald Burgesser, John G Davis, John Davis, Jr, Louise Dorrance, George Fisher, Wilhelmina Gay, Ronald Heinbaugh, Nancy Lee, Audrey Molinar, Ella Pulis, Dorothy Tower, James Tower, Eleanor Wallin, Stamford: Bob Bromfield, Helen Carpenter, Doris Doyle, Dorothy Doyle, Alan Knowles, Harold Nelson, Elise Olson, Betty Painter, Eleanor Parker, Howard Pulis, Richard Sorenson, Eona Stuckey, Norwalk: Joseph LaVecchio, Merle Reynolds, Westport: Norma Abbott, Mary Ann Karish, Jean Rains.
Backstage: Robert Fishell, Caldwell Smith, Jr, Walter H Tyler and Robert Whiting.

From the Stamford Key
Now in November come The Troupers, a newly.. formed organization-40 members from Stamford, Westport, Norwalk and Darien. They announced their object all sublime…”

From the Darien Review
One of the most delightfully sinister Mikados we have ever been privileged to meet…Robert Hastings prepared for his role by playing the lead in the Eighth Air Force Show

From the Stamford Key
All in all, the Troupers launched themselves with tuneful enthusiasm, skill and charm