The Mikado – 1957
The Town of Titipu
Stage Director: Jeane Fuller
Music Director – Joel Fairfax
Norwalk Symphony Orchestra
April 26—Benefit, Norwalk HS
April 27—Benefit, Dolan Jr. HS
May 3, 4—Darien Junior HS
The Mikado …………….. David Murphy
Yum-Yum………………… Dorothy Odle
Ko-Ko …………………….. Fred Scharmer
Nanki-Poo ……………….. Ronald Heinbaugh
Pooh-Bah ………………… Sandy Maxwell
Katisha……………………. Ellen Fairfax
Pish-Tush ………………… Arthur Flail
Pitti-Sing…………………. Eleanor Lagner
Peep-Bo ………………….. Betty Keirstead
Umbrella Bearer………..Rusty Webb
Mikado’s Guards………..Lloyd Day, David Fuller
Jean Banks, Carolyn Bardin, Alicia Burrell, Ruth Dugdale, Caroline Fontana, Ellen Gower, Joan Hopps, Lisbeth Leonard, Margaret Lind, Norma Porter, Louise Risque, Fran Webb, Jane White, Ethel Wienols.
Alan Barney, Arthur Bower, Pete Fontana, Jonathan French, Noel Kalser, Jonathan French, Noel Kaiser, Hamlin Leonard, Robert Murdoch, Robert Redniss, Edward Smith, James Stamborn, Emmanuel Valentine.
Backstage: Ida Scharmer (costumes), John Davis (production manager)
Village Gazette
Scharmer gives an outstanding performance of the comedy role [Ko-KO] in Troupers’ Mikado.
From the Darien Review
A production of which Troupers can well be proud. Contributing not a little to the excellent result were the superb costumes designed by Ida Scharmer.