The Mikado 1985
The Town of Titipu
April 20, 21, 26, 27
Rippowam High School
Music Director: Robert Ashens
Stage Director: Ron Luchsinger
The Troupers Light Opera Orchestra
The Mikado …………….. David Schancupp
Yum-Yum ………………… Dorene Farrell
Ko-Ko ……………………… Luckey Heath
Nanki-Poo ………………. Bill Baker
Pooh-Bah ……………….. Carl Mezoff
Katisha……………………. Bonnie Forgacs
Pish-Tush …………………Paul Berryman
Pitti-Sing ………………… Janet Phillips
Peep-Bo …………………. Andrea Turner
Attendants to the Court of the Mikado:
Rebecca Kresi, Hilary Loosemore, Guy Perrotta, George Turner.
Noh People:
Pat Bear, Caryl Castellion, Phyllis Nole, Diana Platenyk
Len Augenlicht, Barbara Bauer, Jennifer Bjerke, Ruth Berger. Marie Caban, Bill Chaisson, Joe Cherepon, Brenda Comerford, Harry Comerford, Connie Dean, Joan Dean, John Dighton, Tim Domini, Arnold Drucker, Laura Epstein, Bill Fortini Doug Hart, Barbara Heistand, John Hoover, Maria Jackson, Emily Kreis, Willi Kreis, Paola Lazzaro, Lisbeth Leonard, Charles Levy, Joan Mercer, Gretchen Mezoff, Bruce Miller, John Platenykm Guy Reed, Judy Rowan, Douglas Sharafanowich, Peter Smith, Les Steffens, Joan Stietzel.
Backstage: Fred Scharmer, Laura Riordan, Caryl Castillion,Emmanuel Blosio, Constance Dean

The Stamford Advocate
…during the overture, Nanki-Poo was shown as a second trombone and wielding one… The set rrflected simple oriental elegance, thanks to the highly talented designer Fred Scharmer of Darien, and held a wonderful surprise when a giant fan opened.